A new year brings hopes for the future, reflections of the past, and a resolve to change the things we deem unsatisfactory. Resolutions are great and full of good intentions, but all too often when we are not consistent in our goals or when our goals appear too big to reach, we give up in frustration. I often tell my patients who struggle with feeling anxious and overwhelmed that it is important to focus on one part of a task at a time. There are times when the big picture view can prove to be overwhelming. Sometimes it helps to narrow the view so that our goals can be attainable. This year instead of focusing on the new year, I propose we steer our focus to have a happy new day. Each day is filled with new beginnings, a fresh opportunity to make a change. I encourage the reader to find joy and redemption in each new day. Wishing you a Happy New Day and a great 2019! One day at a time.
Author Alicia M. Lurry MA LPC CRC