Time of Renewal
Spring is finally here! I love this time of year. After the seemingly stillness, desolate and frozen chill of winter, the renewal of spring begins a feeling of vibrancy and newness. I love to see the sun in the sky as the days grow a little longer. I love to hear the beautiful song of the birds in the trees each morning. I love the fresh almost sweet fragrance in the air after a spring rain. This time of year brings a sense of hope and revival. Just as the seasons change externally we may also go through seasonal changes in our personal lives. How do we find renewal in seasons of change? I hope the following will serve as helpful strategies as we embark upon a new season.
- Sense what season you are in. Just as we use our senses to recognize spring is here, we should also start to pay attention and sense when change is occurring personally. Change can be scary but it can also be exciting. Enjoy the moment of change by reflecting on the subtle changes you see. If you have been in a winter period of stillness whether it is emotional, interpersonal, financial, or career and you begin to see a subtle change for the better, acknowledge that change. All too often we magnify the negative and never notice movement towards the positive. This acknowledgment of change will in turn produce hope and can begin the process of renewal.
- Prepare for renewal. Each season we prepare our lawn. We plant our seeds for flowers to grow. If you are like me you look forward to new spring fashions where bulky coats and scarves are replaced with sundresses and cute sandals. It would be unusual to hold on to your winter coat in May because you are used to it. It would be ridiculous to prepare your snow blower in spring instead of your lawnmower. So, it would stand to reason that when you are transitioning from winter to spring in your life, you should do something to prepare. Change is inevitable. Preparation for change can provide an easier period of renewal.
- Continue to grow. This statement does not require much explanation. Anything that does not grow ceases to exist. The stillness of winter provides a period of introspection and calm. The period of spring provides an opportunity for growth. This growth, while embraced, yields great beauty.
The change of seasons is to be embraced. It is my hope that during this time we take a moment and sense where we are, prepares for the new, and continue to grow. I hope we also take time to stop and smell the roses.
Alicia Lurry