Hough Counseling and Assessments PLLC

709 Lake Street
Roscommon, MI 48653

(989) 505-6591

Be Patient

Posted on: April 11th, 2021

Two of the most frustrating words to hear in the middle of difficulty are, “Be patient.” I, like every living creature, do not like to wait.  Over time we learn anything worth having requires patience. Life circumstances requires patience for personal goals, other people and ourselves.  We often view the time of waiting as wasted time or a form of punishment. What would happen if we viewed this time as a time for preparation? Patience is not our enemy. It is the space in which we prepare for our next step in our journey. Being patient with others is the space necessary for individual growth and grace. Being patient with yourself takes away the power of negative thinking and gives a greater appreciation for mindfulness of our present state.

“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”
― Aristotle


Alicia Lurry LPC